Sunday, November 30, 2014

Nationals 2014

We made the trek out to Fort Smith, Arkansas to compete in the Brittany National Specialty with our boy River and Calli, a puppy we kept from his first breeding. They both did very well, here are some photos from the three day event.
Calli in the Ned Castillo Puppy Match, judged by Ms. Kristyn McCartney, she got 2nd place in a competitive 9-12 month puppy class
Calli in the 9-12 Month puppy Sweepstakes, she won her class!

River, after winning Best in Dual Sweepstakes, judged by Ms. Nancy Morabito

River, competing in the Dual Sweepstakes, which he won

We had a ridiculous amount of fun at these Nationals. We made new acquaintances from all over the country, were mentored by some of the oldies, enjoyed our old friendships and showed beautiful dogs! We are so proud of our crew! River made the cut in a strong group of specials in the best of breed competition.