Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Summer Specialty

 We are going to breed this boy sometime, we want to make even better versions of River. We want to make sweet companion dogs like he most definitely is. We want to make beautiful field dogs that can be in the field one day, running and finding birds like a pro, and then enjoying the show the next. We love this dog and we believe in his ability to make beautiful puppies one day. We think he is so balanced, moderate and beautiful.

We chose over a year ago to make the trek to Seattle to compete in the Summer Specialty. We have lots of family there, so it was a good excuse to get some dates down and make the trip. We took our new family trailer and all five of us (plus 1 one the way) and we went to a few family reunions, visited the city and even fit in an extended weekend of dog shows.

With only showing River here and there, I feel like I have to re-connect in the ring with him each time. This time he wanted to be treated like a princess:) So I did and we made the cut each day in the BOB classes (huge, beautiful classes), and then we did the Field Trial Dog class at the actual National. I was petrified because we had just one competitor, but he was gorgeous! It was DC Sanbar Castle Built on Legends, Kody. For some reason, the judge made it awfully fun, really making a competition out of just the two of us. He really appreciated the cleanliness of Rivers' down and back though and in the end, he gave the win to River. I was so happy with the win, knowing what a lovely dog we had competed against.

My mom, the boys, River and cousin Holly at the Green River, near Enumclaw
The judge was telling me how much fun he had judging this little class. What a compliment to the breed he gave by saying that his Field Trial Dog class was his favorite judging of the day!