Sunday, November 30, 2014

Nationals 2014

We made the trek out to Fort Smith, Arkansas to compete in the Brittany National Specialty with our boy River and Calli, a puppy we kept from his first breeding. They both did very well, here are some photos from the three day event.
Calli in the Ned Castillo Puppy Match, judged by Ms. Kristyn McCartney, she got 2nd place in a competitive 9-12 month puppy class
Calli in the 9-12 Month puppy Sweepstakes, she won her class!

River, after winning Best in Dual Sweepstakes, judged by Ms. Nancy Morabito

River, competing in the Dual Sweepstakes, which he won

We had a ridiculous amount of fun at these Nationals. We made new acquaintances from all over the country, were mentored by some of the oldies, enjoyed our old friendships and showed beautiful dogs! We are so proud of our crew! River made the cut in a strong group of specials in the best of breed competition.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

8 Weeks Old, ready to go home

We have done our job. These puppies are weaned, fat, happy, and socialized. They have been temperament, bird and show tested. They are AMAZING!! We have loved them and now they want to go live wonderfully happy lives with their amazing people.
I have uploaded all of their final show photos and a few fun ones. All of the pictures from this week were taken by the owner of Black Boy, aka "Moses," Leslie Bordan. She has been so wonderful to work with through this process. She has helped with the temperament testing, 5.5 week photos and these 8 week photos and we thank you!

Looking forward to seeing all of the pups new owners this weekend on "Puppy Pickup Weekend."
Black Boy
Blue Boy
Green Boy
Orange Girl
Purple Girl
Red Girl
Pink Girl
Tri Girl

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

5.5 week show photos

This is our first in-house breeding where we get to do whatever we want. We are not at the mercy of anyone else to see what we have. Different breeders use different ages to take their show photos. We have chosen to do them all and find out what works best for us. Leslie Bordan, one of our puppy buyers graciously gave her services as a photographer for this photo shoot and we were so grateful. Enjoy the photos. My fingers paid a fine price for these pics:) Those little teeth hurt so bad!
Blue Boy
Black Boy
Green Boy
Pink Girl
Red Girl
Purple Girl
Orange Girl
Tri Girl

So who's your favorite!?

Sunday, September 21, 2014

5 weeks

So many pictures for this post! We took our first show photos of the pups, more for practice than anything, but if you'd like to see them, enjoy! Each puppy will have their own album where we will continue to upload their following show photos. Many future puppy owners have been coming to visit and it has been so good to meet them and we feel very good about our decisions. These photos were taken by one of said puppy buyers and I loved them so much I had to post them! There are more here

Green Boy
Black Boy
Blue Boy
Purple Girl
Orange Girl
Red Girl
Pink Girl
Tri Girl

Monday, September 15, 2014

4 weeks old!

Nothing cuter than 4 week old puppies, seriously, nothing! Well, maybe my baby:) We sit out on the lawn with them and they are just perfect! They toddle/waddle over to you, climb on up, nibble on your fingers and toes. They carry their tails up all the time showing healthy confidence. They play growl at each other and as you see in the video, wrestle with each other. They are starting on puppy milk and gruel to begin the weaning process, they inhale it! Visits from future owners have begun and have been precious:) We are happy about the homes these puppies are destined for.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

3 Weeks Old

Ah, cute little pups! Enjoy them - we sure are:) Can't wait to see some people next week for puppy visits. Oh, get this, they are learning to go potty in just one area of their whelping box! They totally walk over to the side with the pads and pee or poop and then walk back to the other side. They also sometimes walk back to the potty side and flop down for a nap, but we'll let that slide for now:)

Thursday, August 28, 2014

2 weeks (tomorrow)

Just uploaded several pictures and videos of the puppies from today. They are on Picasa . Enjoy the babies! Please excuse all of the noise in the videos, my kids are loud, but at least these pups will be used to lots of noise and kids!

11 days old

Ah, some photos of the pups from a few days ago. Getting big!
Such a pretty face:) Orange girl

tri girl trying to crawl toward mom

Green girl

Black Boy

Post-bath cuddle time, Pink, Purple and Orange girl

Blue boy, always the tubby one:)

Pretty red girl

Orange and Purple

Friday, August 22, 2014

One week old

The little pups are thriving. We weigh them 2x a day and they are going up about 1 ounce per day, like a baby:) They are drawn to their momma like little magnets. Their little tails were docked on Sunday and their dewclaws removed. Mary still sleeps right next to them all night, making sure they find their way back to mom if they end up on the other side of the whelping box, or turning on the heat lamp if it gets too cold. They got their toe nails trimmed for the first time today. Some of them are a bit on the dramatic side and some just fall asleep when they get comfy in your hands.