Thursday, August 28, 2014

2 weeks (tomorrow)

Just uploaded several pictures and videos of the puppies from today. They are on Picasa . Enjoy the babies! Please excuse all of the noise in the videos, my kids are loud, but at least these pups will be used to lots of noise and kids!

11 days old

Ah, some photos of the pups from a few days ago. Getting big!
Such a pretty face:) Orange girl

tri girl trying to crawl toward mom

Green girl

Black Boy

Post-bath cuddle time, Pink, Purple and Orange girl

Blue boy, always the tubby one:)

Pretty red girl

Orange and Purple

Friday, August 22, 2014

One week old

The little pups are thriving. We weigh them 2x a day and they are going up about 1 ounce per day, like a baby:) They are drawn to their momma like little magnets. Their little tails were docked on Sunday and their dewclaws removed. Mary still sleeps right next to them all night, making sure they find their way back to mom if they end up on the other side of the whelping box, or turning on the heat lamp if it gets too cold. They got their toe nails trimmed for the first time today. Some of them are a bit on the dramatic side and some just fall asleep when they get comfy in your hands.